2010 is Weird

For the most part 2010 has really been sucking, I just need to complain for a bit.  Winter has super cold and I thought it would never go away.  Garmin died, Olympus camera died, Computer died, Job sucks the life out of me every day, I have a water leak in my house somewhere and as luck would have it my future son-in-law is a plumber, but as luck would have it again, he hasn’t found time in the last 3 months to come over to help me find it.

Whew, glad i got that off my chest!  I bought a new Garmin 305, bought a new digital camera and my super duper best friend Kimmy lent me her laptop until I can recover from all the other purchases.  Oh, and i bought new windows for my house which are WONDERFUL!! 

Gearing up for the baby shower for my daughter in two weeks.  Still looking for shower favors, I have a few, but need something unique and I’m having a hard time.  Lots of details to get it all together, Kim and I are going through everything today to make sure we have it all together and I am sure we will throw in a trip to Target as well.

Running, well it is finally spring and I am loving it.  Except for the fat giggle parts that were hidden with all the extra layers I was wearing in the winter.  I now have 3 pounds to lose, I know exactly how I gained it, Chocolate.  I have to give it up, but don’t know if I can, it is definitely my weakness.  Back to running….Everyone else is running marathons and 5K’s or whatever, me? my normal runs.  Kim has been coming just about every day and we are doing our normal loop, 5-6 miles per day.  I don’t really have any races in mind until later in the year, they are just too expensive and too hard on this old body!

For all you wonderful people who helped me try to win the kitchen makeover, I didn’t win, big shocker.  There were entrants who had over 4000 votes, I ended up with 375, pitiful really, that I couldn’t convince more people to vote for me.  I really thought I had a shot, but no way in Hell!  I really do appreciate everyone who helped, I just wish I knew who didn’t vote!  Was it that much trouble to sign up and then vote 3 times a day for a couple of weeks?  Geez…  Oh well, can’t cry over split milk, right?  I’m going to send pictures to my friend Susan Stout who will help me get a design together and I will work on it gradually.

Computer Dead

If you have been wondering where I’ve been, well my computer died. It is in the shop and I hope to have it back by the weekend, unless it is really dead and then who knows.

Of course still running and working, nothing that exciting anyway! I will be back!

Kitchen Makeover has begun

Okay blog world I need your help!  I have entered a Kitchen Makeover Contest, it started today and runs through April 18th, you can vote 3 times a day.  My kitchen is so out-dated and cluttered I could really use the makeover and I know I can win, there are 255 entrants and with everyone’s help voting I can do it!

Here is the link, hopefully, let me know if there is a problem.  Pass along to all your friends and family!  Thank you for your help, I would gladly do the same for you 🙂


You may have to click on the Vote tab and then search for my kitchen name – work in progress.  I need lots of votes, some entries already have well over 100 votes!!!

Spring has Sprung!

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!  I just love it, I’m in such a better frame of mind since everything has started turning green and the weather has been so warm! 

Yesterday Kim and I ran the Capital City Classic 10K, it was a perfect day for a race.  I have no idea what the temperature was, but I’m guessing mid-50’s, course was flat and we took full advantage of it.  Kim and I stayed together until around mile 4.5 and I could tell she was going to pull ahead of me and she said “I’m going to take off” and she did.  She finished at 56:21 and I finished with a PR of 57:06, about 2 minutes faster than the Spa City 10K in November 2008.  I actually got faster in my old age, or maybe the flat course had something to do with it 🙂 I don’t care I’ll take it.  Nice tech t-shirt too!

I worked my butt off in my yard for the rest of the day, it was just so nice out!  mowed, raked around my azalea bushes, trimmed a bunch of ugly crap, cleaned up some Adirondack chairs I scored at a yard sale, just general outside stuff.  I was thoroughly pooped when I came inside around 4:30pm.

Today I am making Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for my Step-Dad’s Birthday and Easter Celebration at my Mother’s.  I also have a huge laundry list of other things I want to get done, order my new Garmin, look for a new camera, wash my vehicle, paint the Adirondack chairs, change sheets and read a book.  Doubt if I get even half of it done.

Oh well, also heads up, starting on Wednesday I will need your help in winning a Kitchen Makeover contest I have entered, you can vote three times a day per email address from April 7th until April 18th.  I am determined to win!  So I should have the link and all the info today or tomorrow.

Nothing else, just glad I’m not bitching and complaining!!